

the lie (chapter five)
the clock stroke 10:48. rebecca was sitting at the breakfast bar, and audrey just finished the dishes.
"hey, before you go may you get me some milk?"
"sure miss" audrey said.
"thank you so much"
Rebecca set down her glass that was once filled with milk. she made a great sigh then laid down.
rebecca woke up in dim room. there was only the bed. a old twin size bed. with a metal door across from the room. the door opened.
"alright time for breakfast." a gaurd on the other side of the door said. rebecca walked towards the gaurd.
"where am i?" she said
"rebecca this is the sixth time this week you are in forthwood asylum."
"what do you mean sixfh time this week. i just woke up here today." she said confussed.
"you have been here for two years. you have done some bad things."
"what did i do?" she asked curiously.
"for your health i wont say." he replied. "are you ready for breakfast?" rebecca knoded. she was looking around. everything was getting darker. she was getting dizzy. she closed her eyes.
"rebecca are you ok?" the guard asked. rebecca said "perfect" then fell to the ground.
"rebecca. rebecca. REBECCA!!!
"rebecca." she opened her eyes she was back in bed. audrey was looking fown on her smiling.
"it's 2:30 i think it would be smart for you to get up" audrey said.
"oh. thank you"