

The Passage- A Short Story
In the heart of city, there stood an old, forgotten alleyway known only to a few. Locals whispered of "The Passage," a hidden route that promised to reveal secrets to those brave enough to traverse its shadows.

One moonless night, Amrita, a young journalist with a penchant for unraveling mysteries, decided to explore The Passage. Armed with only a dim flashlight, she ventured into the darkness, guided by a strange sense of curiosity.

As she walked deeper into the alley, the air grew thick with a sense of foreboding. The walls seemed to close in on her, and strange whispers echoed around her, causing her heart to race. Ignoring her growing unease, Amrita pressed on, determined to uncover the truth behind The Passage.
Suddenly, a faint light flickered ahead, drawing her like a moth to a flame. As she approached, she found herself standing before a hidden door, covered in intricate symbols. With trembling hands, she pushed it open, revealing a hidden chamber bathed in an eerie blue light.

In the center of the room sat an ancient tome, its pages filled with cryptic symbols and forgotten knowledge. As Amrita flipped through its pages, she felt a chill run down her spine, realizing that she had stumbled upon something beyond her wildest dreams.

Just then, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its eyes gleaming with malice. Before Amrita could react, the figure spoke in a voice that seemed to echo from the depths of the earth.

"You have unlocked The Passage, but not all secrets are meant to be revealed," it intoned ominously.

With that, The Passage vanished, leaving Amrita standing alone in the darkness, the mystery of its secrets forever etched in her mind.

© Simrans