

Dare You Sit 🪑 in My Chair?💀
"A Lack of Belief in the Ghost World does not make it any less Real. People do not Believe in God, but He is still in control. Lucifer is Scoffed at as a Conjured Thing, but still Wreaks Havoc. And the Ghost of this Chair is Real, and Possessive of that which belongs to It."


A #WRITCO True Horror Story

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(Based on Busby's Stoop Chair)

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"God is in his holy temple,
In the pure and holy mind,
In the rev’rent heart and simple,
In the soul from sin refined.
Banish then each base emotion.
Lift us up, O Lord, to thee;
Let our souls, in pure devotion,
Temples for thy worship be."
Latter Day Saints

On an Old Phonograph, I heard these Lyrics Playing over and over again in my almost Deaf Ears. The Shades are Drawn, the Wine imbibed; I can no longer See Clearly. She lies there upon my Wooden Floor; My Love, My Life.

OH ... how I long for Her!


I've tossed my Hat into the Squared Circle.

I gave up.

As my Life Flashes before my Eyes how this All Came to Be ...


"Ha ha ha ha," the fat old man guffawed, "no freaking way! Not even an Elephant could Drink that much Whiskey."

I looked at him, then down to the Bottle, then back up to him.


I thought. My tolerance for Liquor 🥃 had become Legendary throughout the City. Some called me 'the town drunk' tho I never stumbled, nor fell.

I was just a Heavy Drinker.

I collected his Wager walking out the door to the Saloon; when I overheard someone say.

"Yeah, yeah go ahead Daredevil! Sit in it!"

And with a rousing crowd, the Brave Soul quite did indeed. Funny, but for a moment, the Light behind my own Eyes Flickered.

I had thought I saw a Phantom.

But the Dude arose from the Chair, collecting Thrice more than even I. Counting his Bills with his Head Down, a Quick Draw Shot him straight in the Heart. A Chance Ricochet off a Sheriff's Badge.

He Died almost Instantly.

His Winning Wagers still on the Ground, began to blow in the Breeze. I collected what I could.


And walked back into the Saloon with a Ruckus as if Nothing had ever happened.

I too, saw the Chair. And being one who always Stood in the Face of Fear, I put forth a Challenge.

"For as long as I Seat myself here," I started with an Air of Nervousness, "who will Pay my Tab?"

Surprisingly, no one replied.

I was shocked, so I remained standing beside it, the Old Marker of Death, and touched its Crevices.

Cold, so very Cold. And an Unearthly Hum, filled my Ears!

I jumped back in Disgust just as a Well-to-do Gent breezed through the Double Doors.

He had on a Top hat and Overcoat just as I, but he was much older and his Hair turned Gray beyond Prior Recognition.

"I Leave you the Heir of my Fortune, if you Sit beyond Six Minutes," he declared.

I Drained my Last Shot of Whiskey and Plopped into the Chair. Straightway, I fell out. Somehow I missed the Chair. As this Time I watched as I sat, a Moan was in the Air. I felt as if I were actually Floating above the Chair, but I wanted that inheritance.

I ordered a Bottle of Fine Kentucky Red-eye and Drained it in the Course of my Rest and Relaxation, finally Passing out in the Selfsame Chair.

They had thought I was Dead, but I had only Sat in the Chair Six Minutes Precisely.

I Hopped up, looking for the Scoundrel who had left when my Eyes Closed.

And would you believe?

The Scallywag was no where to be Found!

As I exited the Saloon mildly Drunk, disappointed and angry ...
he appeared out of, literally, No Where!

"You have won as my Heir," he Snarled, "but within Six Years you will Relinquish your Life. Then, it will be mine again!"

And the Varmint Vanished!

I thought it was the Whiskey, was it this that was meant to be a Drunkard?


I turned to Walk away, just as a Runaway Carriage Past no more than a Hair before the very Bridge of my Nose, taking my Hat with it in the Wind.

I fell caught in the Spirits.

What had I Purchased?

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"The Night is always Coldest when the Fog Rises, and Cleansing Rains Fall."

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© I Am MichAel