

Career of Self Destruction
You’re just an afterthought to break the boredom a means unto and end.
A fickle spec of dust within this sea of many friends.
You’re nothing but a virtual click,
Blowing in the wind
You’re nothing but another letter in an alphabet of friends.

But I’m the lonely letter here that no one wants to use.
A letter in the alphabet,
the one that you abuse.
You hide me behind the letter O as if I were a zero. Or stuff me in between the lines and pretend that I’m your hero.

As long as no one sees me and attributes success to you.
You’re cool with that, if no one knows the real hero isn’t you.

You’re cool with fact of looking back regretting what you’ve done.
Disregarding everything and everyone you’ve shunned.

You’re content with the fact you have no friends and no one to call your own.
You’re completely at peace when you’re fast asleep and wake up all alone.

You make your coffee and check your phone and realize you’re not at home.
You travel too much, you hate your job your disgusted with your phone.

Another alert, another email,
another request for time.
Get it together and take control before you lose your mind.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨