

Don't Lose Sight Of What's Right!
Sometimes life gets derailed in the details.
We might mean well.
Only history can tell the outcome.
We all have a dark side.
We all have emotions, we wish we could hide.
Eventually, evil deeds will come to the light.
Don't give up and don't give in without a fight.
Things we've done months or even years ago can bite us in the ass, that doesn't mean that we have permission to allow life to pass us by.
We might as well own up to what we've done.
It doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to help one another.
I have brothers and sisters from other mothers.
After all, we're all one family.
Don't lose sight of what's right in the details
There's no one without sin.
No one holds the key to perfection besides God.
In fact, life's imperfections is where inspiration comes from.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!