

The muse which upon men falls
To make a feat out of the unknown,
Pressed upon the thoughts like a seal
Steered towards a matter so daring,
Leaves nothing but an impression
Of a hand being guided by the invisibles,
Which only like-minds could behold
In its purest form --though abstract,--
And with a blessed tears unfeigned
Greet its impeccable uniqueness;

How in manifold ways God manifests
His sovereignty in the sons of men,
Giving to each one a peculiar skill
To perceive the beauty thus created,
Some with ears so keen and sharp
To hear the silent voices of nature,
Another with pairs of eyes so crystal
To behold the most unseen of beauties,
And yet another the minds so bright
To invent creations yet unveiled;

Still to some He gave legs so fast
To race against the unfriendly wind,
Some He has made so calculative
To deal with figures and its semblance,
Every man in one form or the other
He has endowed with his own talents,
All for Himself and His great glory
The Good Lord in His pure benevolence,
For everlasting does reveal Himself
In the muse which upon men falls.