

whispers of the stream
Sure, here's a poem about water for you:

**Whispers of the Stream**

In the quiet of the morning light,
Where dawn and dew embrace,
A whisper flows, so pure and bright,
A dance of liquid grace.

From mountain peaks, through valleys deep,
It journeys far and wide,
A tale of life in currents steep,
A force none can deride.

It mirrors skies of azure blue,
Reflects the moonlit night,
In every drop, a world anew,
A symphony in flight.

In oceans vast, it finds its home,
A cradle for the sea,
In rivers wild, it loves to roam,
Unbound, forever free.

Through rain it falls, on thirsty lands,
A gift to earth and tree,
In every form, it understands,
The essence of the free.

So let us cherish every wave,
Each ripple, drop, and stream,
For in its depths, our lives it gave,
A timeless, flowing dream.