

I have been reborn, for I was once a battered woman who had been torn, made to believe that bruises were hugs, and scars were kisses, told that I should know I was loved, because I was the Mrs., I lost my sense of self, miserably trying to please someone else, went to go search for my soul and I found her dipped in gold, she shined so bright 🌞 and sang me songs every night 🌙 she reminded me of my sacredness, I fell in love I must confess, she has cradled me into a whole new dimension, allowing me to set free all of my fears and tension, I have mourned enough over the girl I used to be, and now I celebrate the new me, a woman filled with sunshine, she is no longer scorn, sound the horn! for I have been REBORN! 😇🥰😍