

While Plans Break
Have you ever felt that life's a song,
Yet somehow with it, you can't sing along?
For every step you try to take,
The path you planned begins to break.

Plans you crafted with such care,
Is scattered now, just everywhere.
The dreams you chased with heart and soul,
Slip through fingers, as you lose control.

While the world keeps spinning, as time moves on,
But you're still stuck, feeling lost and withdrawn.
As frustration grows with each failed try,
And hopes seem distant, just passing by.

Yet in these moments, pause and see,
Even broken plans can set you free.
For in the chaos, to paths unknown,
Brand new directions can be shown.

So though it feels you can't keep pace,
Trust in life's unpredictable grace.
Because sometimes when the plans do fail,
New winds arise to fill your sail!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo