


111:6.6 Science is the source of facts, and mind cannot operate without facts. They are the building blocks in the construction of wisdom which are cemented together by life experience. Man can find the love of God without facts, and man can discover the laws of God without love, but man can never begin to appreciate the infinite symmetry, the supernal harmony, the exquisite repleteness of the all-inclusive nature of the First Source and Center until he has found divine law and divine love and has experientially unified these in his own evolving philosophy.

To start the day with Faith, expect
The best to be, it has effect.
If you can see a better way
Explore it fully, yes, today.

That’s the way your life can change.
Faith in God, take up the reins.
Step out upon the stage of life.
The world is ready, and you’ve turned ripe.

The way ahead’s not hit or miss.
God has His plan, it does exist.
Love’s the fulcrum, and God is Love.
He knows in time we will evolve

Are we there yet? Here’s the test.
We work and play, and then we rest.
Decisions made along the way
Determine how we work and play.

When we wake, what’s first in mind?
Do we give thanks? Life is Divine.
The Will of God has made us all.
His Spirit tries to Love install.

We need to help improve this world.
That means God’s Flag need be unfurled.
If Love can’t be, that’s not the way.
Adjust and change this world today.

Thank You, Father, for this chance.
This world’s in need of more romance.
We need to love, not criticize,
The world we see before our eyes.
Paul Anderson

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