

A poem (in my way)....
I write what comes on my mind
from the emotion
I felt to the bottom of my heart.

I write a lot but can't post
cause they just don't makes any sense
to me at all.

Maybe they do makes sense
but why in my eyes they seems nonsense

sometime I wish I could do
what I've been always wanted to do

But not everything is in our control
what we can control is to not lose hope

I keep trying cause they say
trying makes a man perfect.

But no one can become perfect
is also a fact.

so accepting one's flaws
is not a loss.

It's a gain
which you earn going through the pain.

you may feel hurt or get tired of life
in the process

But all these struggle will be worth it
when you get what u wanted

so keep going don't quit
Feel tired take a break but come back quick

That's all I've to say
In this poem in my way

"Thank you for reading this"
— joy. ♡❤♡....

I appreciate your time u gave to my poem to read and like Thank you so much everyone of u who've been reading and liking my every post.
It really means a lot. luv y'all ♡....
© joy

#poetrylovers #poem #inmyway
#Struggle #trying #hope

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