

It's not a matter of being naïve
I doubt every word said except the things that help me relate to you
My world is so terrible I am suffocating from it too
And it just seems there’s an element or two that I solely have to go through
I have never led anyone to your door with th3 intent to watch you bleed
I guess that is the final nail in the coffin of anything I’ll never again be caught in between

Manipulation is the motherfucker I have to believe Karma is bored with judging me
But I made a wounded woman need any other world to escape to that doesn’t include me
But her karma won’t let her leave maybe we deserve the dirt they’re shoveling
I’ve come to realize I am very flawed, very lucky for a slob and luck looking like it’s over
I’m taking a final draw of breathe, because the family I’ve lost to death and to the eyes of my first gift from above
Even those on my side will only see a shell of who I was – a guy with a positive outlook free from a marriage without love
But where I got was defeated by my own mind, hated by the upper crust and a lengthy battle with drugs and now not a soul remains that I can honestly confide too
Be careful what you share about your heart and dreams and those passionate desires because there are no more friends or lovers just psychic vampires

© Alien.S