

Second by Precious Second
There are many such valuable assets
to deal in, second by precious second.
Me, myself, in all the blinking of an eye,
I’ve sold a quickened wealth of time,
accumulated from the numberless count
so sealed in each lid brief;
shut away tight from the bleaching sunlight—
yet shielded solid from a priceless Earth.

An ephemeral heirloom, every breath—
handed down both to worthy
and ungrateful word,
and gifted to the greedy hands of death.

But I’d always rightly compromise,
not steal nor cheat my way out
of paying fair my share.
No, I’d rather barter than borrow.

In the currency of my heartbeat,
I’d trade my foreign past
for a more familiar tomorrow.

© Joseph Chin
#life #death #lifeanddeath #life&death #value #selfworth