

The Stars Doubt
Standing tall in the middle of the room a gentle breeze carries your intentions even though you do not wish for them to be known,
Your beauty cannot be denied even though it is the only thing you haven't shown.
It is your inner beauty that cannot be hidden as you are forced to compete with those who do not compare.
You are obviously the only person in the room who isn't seeing it as everyone else can't help but to stare, let the fire that is in your heart be the flame that will free your soul.
Frozen in time the pain you bare has left you incomplete continously falling down the same lonely hole.
You do not see just how important you are to the people around you, even though they tell you so.
Being your own worst critic like the seasons changing and yet in the summer there is still snow.
Please allow me to take all of your doubts and fears and keep them as my own and in return you now have a fresh start to go out into the world to do all of the things that are as beautiful as you are...
You may not know this but in my eyes when I look up in the night sky you are the only shining star.
God I Love You So!!!!