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My brain said it's time
To write something that conveys it well enough
How I felt about you

I wasn't with you and yet I thought
I'm with you and all the mistakes I see I'd rather not see
I lied about you to myself inside and I don't regret it

I wanted to be wanted and so I begged for everything
I didn't know I had to make the handkerchief
Cause the tears are coming

Burning and there's nothing to take back
I asked you and I got you I didn't really want you
But you won in the end
You went away You said no to me
Every part of me that didn't want you at all is laughing

Waiting for your message,
I get it and I'm happy
Not knowing if you're lying, who you really are and what I want
Flowers have grown on the wrong road where I've been left behind
Putting everything aside I'm not in love with you I've been concentrating on rad

It wasn't enough I should have known
I gave you time to see if you'd realize it was a mistake
Go ahead
Waiting for the one I don't love to love me

Selfish I know and I'm sorry
And yet I love him so much
The thought that you love me
It would have been enough for me for a lifetime
I think with pain
Years without love

I let go of what I don't love
Who didn't want me
Get in line
Funny how I want to love myself
Yet I let myself be trusted

You can break me I'll let you
I said it like this
I didn't say it but I know in my heart I meant it
It's harder every day
To know I wasn't needed
Waiting for you to write
But I know I never loved you

# Love me for I don't love you
I don't need anybody else
To know that someone always cares about me
Days go by, weeks go by, months go by
And I know I'm just a memory to you

Maybe it's not
I don't understand
I didn't mean to
I didn't quite want you
I was the one who was left behind
I loved you without love in vain