

Finally I don't know if it was a day I dread or just a day to behold
The class reunion
A union of all classmates who let's be honest some we lost touch with
Others you say hello out of courtesy
Others are your ride or die
Coming out looking at your very best
Don't wanna give people something to talk about
When all they can talk about is what they do, how much money they earn, new, broken and maintained relationships
And I'm there avoiding the small talk
I don't know what to say. I mean I came and I saw
Would leaving right now be such a bad thing??
They have something to say, something interesting to add
I don't know if I have that
I feel like a failure
I know life happened as a culmination of the choices I made
But I made the right choice for me
I can't say I'm unemployed, noo
Can I say I'm looking for something, yees
I can't say I'm broke, noo
Can I say I'm managing, yees
Can I say I'm happy, yees
A bit sad sometimes, of course
Can I say I'm trusting God to open doors, yes 💯
And I sit at the corner and sip my drink slowly watching the rest of the class
© a_p_a_a_t

I wrote this piece with alot of imagination of how it would be if it actually happened like right now, some lines are so true and real the rest is just vivid imagination
Thank you for reading