

Resonance of Renewal: A New Year's Tapestry

In the hush of twilight's grasp, echoes dance,
A symphony of transitions, a poetic trance.
The year recedes, a tapestry unfurls,
Threads of memories, like precious pearls.

Growth, a silent whisper in the night,
Roots entwined, reaching for the light.
Each challenge faced, a canvas painted bold,
A story of resilience, of dreams untold.

As the calendar turns its steadfast page,
Hope emerges, a beacon for every age.
In the cocoon of time, transformations start,
Metamorphosing souls, embracing heart.

The New Year dawns with promises untold,
A tapestry of dreams in hues of gold.
The hopeful spirit, a spark that ignites,
A journey forward through day and night.

Like a phoenix rising from the ash,
Opportunities bloom in the year's soft clash.
Envisioning tomorrows, yet to unfold,
In the festive echoes, a tale retold.


© Gopika Gangadharan