

This Journey With Strangers
Rickety, rick, rackety rack,
The train sings a song on its old track,
We swing with its tune,
Swaying and bouncing a moment too soon.

I was busy into the music coming from my phone,
Overlooking the tress and lands that the windows had shown,
The chitter-chatter of small kids could still be heard,
But I focus only on the song, attempting to make everything blur.

Unknown faces look at me and I look back,
Smiles are exchanged that we all've packed in our sacs,
I know, soon they would try to start a conversation,
Talking about anything and everything as we pass stations.

Soon, the boxes of cravings would open,
Soon, sharing of words and heart would pour in,
Making this long journey easy and comfortable,
Creating this life with strangers memorable.

© Vaish