

A Phobia
With my heart beating like an overworked electric whisk
Anxiety,fear,dry mouth all in one heart beat wiped me out consuming me

Destroying feeling of comfort I once had. All in a split second. it was gone. Almost instantly. I froze on the spot. Unable to get up and present. Feeling overwhelmed.

Feeling the heat of Dubai. Feeling under the pressures deep beneath the ocean. I could feel fear,see fear,smell fear,taste fear,hear fear. As if suspended in an ocean far from civilization.

Fight,flight or freeze. It was freeze. blood rushed to parts of my body. Feeling physically unable to do anything. Until I was certain I was safe. Until I felt relieved

My path to overcoming my glossophobia would not be an easy ride if it were to happen. The gripping and strangling feeling controlling me.

About to burst into tears. Unable to perform. feeling relieved after not having to do it. Not having to attract the attention of what felt like millions.

But that uncontrollable feeling returns again

©.Haul Guma

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