

Heart Shards
Fragments of hearts rest, in Corrales,
Under the soft cry of the desert moon,
Whispers carried by the wind,
Shattered dreams that once sinned.
Between sharp and tall cacti
Hides the story of rise and fall,
Where the crystal throws,
Dances with souls, a deadly scene.
Shining shards of broken hearts,
Witness to the dark arts of drugs,
Secrets linger in the shadows,
When the night begins to cry.
Eyes that once shone with life,
Now lost in the cruel struggle of drugs,
In Corrales, where shadows creep,
Hope descended into an eternal slumber.
But in the midst of the darkness there is light,
A ray of light in the seams,
A template to heal, an opportunity to love,
To mend the piece, to find a place.
In Corrales, where the fragments of hearts rest,
Under an unforgiving sky,
May hope rise from dust and pain,
once again light the path of life,
and gather heart shards.
© Simrans
image credit@aqueueig