

The sky so blue, so deep, so beautiful;
So incredibly wide and free.
The fields so green, so big, so colorful;
So incredibly alive and wide.
The lake so clear, so cool, so deep;
So incredibly wet and calm.

The people so colorful, so soft, so close;
So incredibly loving and safe;
but also so gray, so hard, so cold;
So incredibly dangerous and full of hatred.
I, so transparent, so empty, so alone, so incredibly lost and sick.
So small.
So insignificant next to the sky, fields, lakes and people.
and yet loved.

I am not only transparent, I can be any color that shines through, any feeling.
I am not only empty, I can be filled with color, light, love; the emptiness offers space to grow.
I am not only alone, I can choose the people who see me - in any color or transparent. I can build my family.
I am not only lost, I can find new ways.
I am not just sick, I can heal.

So I like to be transparent, because then I can be anything.

© undying.poetry