

To Write
To write is to feel your deepest thoughts.
To write is to let your every side be seen.
The darkest, the lightest, the funniest, and the cutest,
your every essence of being a human being.
To write is to break into pieces and to join again.
To write is to feel your every pain.
To write is to be vulnerable.
To write is to scream your cries.
To write is to be silly.
To write is to be wise.
To write is to fall.
To write is to fly.
To write is to dance in the rain.
To write is to lay under the starry sky.
To write is to walk in an endless journey of words.
To write is to sing like birds.
To write is to bleed.
To write is to heal.
To write is to paint the world with your colorful thoughts, and with your words surreal.
To write is to sip your hot cup of coffee on a rainy Sunday morning.
To write is to march to the beat of your own drum.
To write is to run on mountains, scream your name, and hear the echo of it.
To write is to have fun.
To write is to teach.
To write is to preach.
To write is to be real.
To write is to ordeal.
To write is to love,
To rise high above.
To write is to draw on your scars.
To write is to be who you truly are.

© Shreya N.B.