

writting's a blessing
In the quiet sanctum of pen and parchment,
Resides a realm where souls find their atonement.
For within the boundless expanse of writing's grace,
Lies the power to heal, to solve, to embrace.

With every stroke of ink upon the pristine page,
Wounds unspoken find solace, find refuge, find wage.
Each word a salve, each sentence a cure,
For the ailments of the heart, for the trials obscure.

In the labyrinth of language, problems unravel,
As the mind's labyrinthine pathways travel.
For as the saying goes, "if you can write it, you can solve it,"
In the realm of writing, every obstacle finds a fit.

But beyond mere utility, writing holds a sway,
A power ineffable, a gift for the day.
It's the art of expression, unbounded and free,
A canvas for emotions, for thoughts, for identity.

Not everyone may wield this sacred art,
Yet its potency resides in every human heart.
For in the act of creation, we find liberation,
An escape from reality's harsh dictation.

So let us cherish this blessing, this divine gift,
And in its embrace, find our spirits uplift.
For in writing's sanctuary, we discover our need,
To heal, to solve, to express, to heed.
© _areesha