

Let's Talk More About That Walk
Beyond the blossoms beholden to me
Was a marvel my eyes couldn't fully conceive
A large canyon entombed with waterfalls
Cyrstal blue plunging into the depths of the deluge

The fork beamed with anticipation and exhilaration
I could almost the feel the ground shake from its aura
It bounced and bounced down the rocks to the bay
The sunlight glaring at me from the oncoming waves

After my eyes adjusted, I saw the fork hovering above the water, alone
Yet, there was no change to its previous glimmer or prideful positivity
Taken aback, I approached the silver sage "Are you meeting someone?"
It was as if it chuckled and responded "I already found what I needed!"

"What more do you need when there is nothing but peace here?
Don't be so eager to overlook the beauty of an endless journey
The goal will rarely teach as much as the road that takes you there
You'll never be more centered than when you wander amelessly

Once you are content with a lonesome walk in the woods
Imagine the satisfaction when you finally set your destination"

She exclaimed as she disappeared beneath the ocean floor
All of that, because of a fork
© Celebrion