

Feeling as if nobody truly understands the feelings and emotions that I must withstand, if it were really true that I am not the only one then why is it Love seems to simply just fall apart?
Expressing myself to the people I felt I could trust, trying to play things very smart, all of the times you said that you loved me must have only been in that moment, for it didn't last long before it to fell all apart.
Do not worry about how I feel as I wouldn't want to put you in a position of having to live a lie, living your life as something you are not is no way to live at all and you might as well have already died.
The cloudy days that's are all gloomy and grey are a representation of the way I feel, the clouds seem to completely understand me for when I am blue they cry for days, and it is those rain drops falling from my eyes that feel so misunderstood because these are the tears that are so very real and if you could understand me then you would not hand me a tissue ....
You would simply hold me closer telling me everything would ok and that I would not be all alone and stay with me through the night.