

It still hunts me.
Can you smell the lingering scent of the past?
Oh dear, the days are running so fast,
I can still hear their voices,
I can still remember my childhood days.

Oh no, I made a little noise,
Please help me, he will give me bruise.
Why are you hurting me?
Should I feel sorry?

From the four corners of the dark room,
I was there praying,
Under the lit of the moon,
They can see me crying.

I was so fragile,
Why you should hurt me in this way?
I am just a child,
Why do I have to suffer this way?

Instead of becoming my protector,
Why did you become my life's dictator?
Don't you pity me?
Don't you have mercy?

You drowned me down,
That my little arms and feet couldn't even lift myself,
Why the days feels like it's slowed down?
Just to slowly feel this aching pain is my chest?

I tried my best to behave,
I tried to be your obedient slave,
But why everything feels so wrong?
What did I even do wrong?

I am your own blood and flesh,
But why are you treating me like this?
We share the same genes,
But why do I feel like I wasn't needed?

The fractured bones inside my body,
They maybe heal through the passage of time,
But the scar won't live me,
They still bleed everytime.

I grew hate towards you,
But I am not the one to blame,
Every time I saw you,
I was choking in pain.

You treated me like a bird that was caged,
I couldn't even see the sunlight and its rays.
Am I still even your child?
Or do you just see me like a wild grass on your backyard?

I am screaming in pain internally,
All those bruises that you caused me,
No one has come to save me,
No one has voiced out for me.

When will I meet freedom?
This question was been bothering me,
When is the time that someone will come?
But no one has come, unfortunately.

I have to endure this situation,
I have to be brave,
I tried to hide my emotions,
So no one can see.

I am jealous,
That whenever someone talks about their sweet childhood,
While mine was so bitter,
Such a dark past, I have to hide for the better.

Then the time has come,
It was the day you were gone,
But the debris that you left on me,
Will stay for eternity.

© adii.andrade