

April Showers Of Spring Tears
New life begins.
Buds and blooms,
Winter's lease expired.
Not a moment too soon.
A return to warmth.
Sun shining bright.
Time to grow.
Time to fly.

The view through the window,
Colorful. Picturesque.
Art in motion.
Many insects.
All this movement,
Hope in the air.
Something's still missing.
You are not there.

On this side of the glass.
The World is still cold.
Sitting in a chair.
Feeling so old.
Palm to the glass.
Warm to the touch.
Cold in the heat.
Missing her so much.

April brings transition.
From darkness to light.
It beats to the rhythm,
Of survival's strife.
Just out of reach.
Through the pain of glass.
Just out of reach,
If the times that were had.

The cycle continues.
Time marches on.
Repeating life's cycle.
While days have come and gone.
Palm from the window.
Warmth fades away.
Wanting to be reborn,
Like these warm April days.

© The Moonlight Bard