

Childish Games p
Once again the people who claim to love me have made the situation so difficult that I must lose what was so special and very dear to me.
Why is it my enemies show more compassion than my own family?
I am trying to put into perspective what I actually did to deserve this or when I was anything other than good to them even though they had forsaken me.
Getting upset will not do anyone any good as they could care less what I feel or how their actions really effect my life as long as they do not look like the bad guy as they continue to smile while behind their back still holding the knife.
What childish behavior to always feel the need to be the one who is right, always having to twist what was said and to have the last word to make sure they continue to feel like they are above everyone else, but I do not care in the least as long as they can sleep well through the night.
So do as you must as I know you would anyway I do not care if this ever reaches any of you as I didn't write this out of spite.
sleep well knowing even after you're all dead and gone....
It's people like me that Allow People Lile You, feel as if you could have ever been right!