

I found comfort in his arms, while being captivated by his lies, his lies would love on me so good that I could not see the truth, I consumed every inch of his ego and became a prisoner to his pride, his shadow now claims me, his rules I must abide, I wear shackles of shame beneath my knees, I know he'll never allow another man to find those keys, the keys that hold my freedom, my mind has been enslaved by his thoughts, his soul dances with mine and sings empty promises like no other, I lick away his tears full of deceit, some nights I lay on his chest waiting to hear a beat, but we both know there is no heart that reside there....this love is hopelessly romantic, this love smells like a rose with overgrown thorns, I wonder... how long will we continue to dance? I am slowly dissolving from this hopeless romance....
