

Alone, I stand, while friends around me blossom into couples
their love stories unfolding like petals of a flower
Mine still a blank page, a story yet to be written
I wait, I hope, I search for that special someone to share my life with

It's hard to watch love pass me by
To see friends entwined in each other's arms
Their eyes shining with happiness
I feel like a leaf blown away in the wind
Drifting solo, without a branch to cling to

But I hold on to hope, a glimmer of light in the darkness
I know my time will come
my heart will find its home
Until then, I'll keep my heart open
My spirit strong, my soul searching.

I'll keep moving forward
Through the ups and downs
The highs and lows
I'll keep believing in love
In its power to transform
to uplift, to make whole

And when that day comes
When I find my person
My heart will soar, my soul will sing
My life will bloom like a garden in spring

© Asa Cl