

A dream.
I dreamt of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth.
I fell to the bottom floor. The pain I felt was unbearable. This is what it must feel like to give birth.
Instantly the pain was gone.
I was standing on someone's luscious green lawn.
I was miniature. About the size of an ant.
I started to here an old man rant.
"This grass is growing to fast."
He started his lawn mower but it stalled due to lack of gas.
"God darn lawn mower.
I think I have some extra gas in my Leaf Blower."
I have some time to make my escape.
I heard a buzzing noise and at last chance I grabbed on its cape.
It was a Dragon fly.
I had to hang on with all my might or I could die.
We whizzed around from one house to the next.
"Why me?", I asked. I wonder is im hexed.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" I lost my grip and fell into the lap of a beautiful Orchid flower.
I instantly woke up from my dream.
I guess it was all just a horrible....Not everything is what it seems.
I woke up in an ant farm.
I'm hanging with the baby larvae. I guess I'm in no harm.
No. Wait! I'm larvae food. Sound the alarm.
I can't even use my handsome good looks and charm.
I wiggled my way out the larvae cave and then disguised myself as an ant.
I even had an argument with an ant for bumbing into me talking in ant rant.
That was close. I'm free.
I started to grow back to my normal size.
Pfff. I woke up from that incredible dream. No lie.
I dream some crazy things even if I'm not high.

© venkatjamespersaud

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