

sweet child
My sweet child, I lost you along your way to becoming who I thought could be a great man.

I'm so sorry, that it was you I have to say good bye to.
I know that you weren't taught how to become a man.
You did what you could with the little knowledge that you understood.

It's unfair that you lived a life full of despair.
Unable to understand your pain thinking life was supposed be this way because there was know one to show you something more than the pain that you'd ignore.

You always showed me love and care. I wish I could have done more, my precious little boy.
You didn't belong to me you had your own family. I did what I could to show you that I cared about you. I wish you could have known that the place you were going wouldn't take you back home.

My sweet baby boy, I hope you know that how far you go is limitles nothing can hurt you and I won't desert you.

You live in my thoughts and are at home in my prayers. I'm sorry for all the tears, I know you're safe from all your fears. I want you to know, that I don't care about what may be said, you can lay down your head. Your struggle has come to a end.

I'm going to stay here , until a day comes that I see you again my darling little boy. I love you so much more than I ever showed. I'm sorry I didn't let you know until it was time to let you. My sweet little baby boy.
© jun.klost96#broken