

"Scary Knock"

Hello friends, 👋 how are you all? I hope you are all doing well. 😉 So come, today I am going to inform you about a new story, "Horror knock". 💀 There will be hardly anyone who is not afraid of anyone, I believe that every person is definitely afraid of someone or the other. Like someone is afraid of his father, 👻someone is afraid of his mother, someone is afraid of his boss, someone is afraid of heights, or someone is afraid of the dark.

If I ask you when did you feel the fear? Or what are you most afraid of? 🙃 So probably most of the people would think of ghost, 👻 phantom soul. Because in childhood we were scared by the name of ghost. And the same fear settles in our mind. There is such a story of a village called "Horror Knock", 🤪 which I would like to tell you. 🤗

A raw house on which a new color was applied, lights are twinkling 💥 all around, there were many people but everyone was busy in some work or the other. Children are playing games, elders were sitting and talking, some sweet dishes were being prepared. 😋 Yes, there is a simple atmosphere here in the morning, the procession has to be known, I am also enjoying it fully, 🥳 along with I had three friends. By now the preparations had probably been completed, and the night was getting darker. 😶‍🌫️
All of a sudden my three friends come to me and are asking me to go with them, I am unable to understand 🤔anything, so we were stopped and even refused to go. Then it came to know that there was a house of all three of them at a distance of 600 meters from my house, as my uncle was going to go to the 🤩procession in the morning, so they wanted to go to their respective homes to get their clothes. After a long debate, all four of us were let go, along with a torch. 🔦

In this lovely village of mine, there are hills all around, ⛰️ everyone had a raw house and love in their hearts. ❤ Everyone's houses were far away here, probably because of building a house on our own land, now all four of us started moving towards their house by turning on the torch together. We had just reached a short distance and we all started getting scared 😰 because on the way there will come a well which is the scary well of the whole village, of which we had heard many stories. 😬
Encouraging each other, laughing and joking, all four reached near the well, but if you suddenly turn off our torch, everyone started screaming and we started sweating in fear. 😵‍💫 Taking a look, he saw a big banyan tree whose bells were 🧐hanging, a deep black well from which some sound was coming, maybe it is a bat, etc. From some distance the cry of the wolf 🦊 was heard, then looked all the way, there was no one far away, could not even return, the torch also went off,But once again gathered courage and thought of crossing the well by running together.

Whether you have the courage, keep it alone, 😉 if it is a matter of the dark night alone, 🌃 if you believe it or not, fear is the abode of fear above all. 🤪
Friends, the story ahead is even more fun, which you will get in "Horror Knock" Part-2. Sorry for the wait but you will get the story very soon......🤗🤗

© by :- kk writer