

Ehalanh's return
Waves hitting Crest Rock and seagulls flying above, it was just another beautiful morning for Daniel. He took a deep breath of the sea air and continued to gather the net. He had just been back from their morning routine of fishing for Kroi up near the Blousgher caves. "Don't you just love the sea air papa!" he exclaimed. Daniel was 15 years old and had been fishing with his father for the past 7 years. Everyday the duo would sail till the Blousgher caves where the Kroi were abundant, the Kroi were a delicacy down in the Capital town of Alahunh - coveted for their beautiful rainbow colored flesh, each fish sold for hundreds of silver coins. There were only about 3 families apart from Daniel's who'd even dare to venture that deep in the sea. Getting to the Blousgher caves was not the hard part, you just had to follow the currents for about an hour then you reach a small island of around 1 acre, they docked at the eastern shore of the island and began preparations. The Kroi lived deep inside the underwater cave system and without the proper gear and experience you could easily get lost or drown. Daniel however, was an excellent swimmer and navigated the cave system like a professional. They spent another hour underwater fishing before heading back to Crest Rock.

Today however, while diving he cut his forearm on one of the stalagmites in the cave, the bleeding had stopped but it still stung a bit. "Papa, i'm going to Elena to get my arm patched up", "Sure boy" replied Damien.
Daniel started walking along the shore towards Elena's house, she was the only healer in Crest Rock. He took the insueta route, it was a bit dangerous due to the rock formations and violent waves that hit this part of the shore, but precisely due to that no ships would dock here and he had a perfect view of the sea, he loved to collect shells that washed ashore and would always be in search of new ones. Halfway towards Elena's house he could see something shining behind one of the rock formations, something tiny and shiny. He thought it would be some kind of crystal that washed ashore; walking towards it he could see what looked like a baby lizard with scales for skin that glistened like the Kroi's rainbow flesh. It was shivering from the cold waters and looked like it could die at any moment. He picked it up, and it fit snugly in the palm of his hands, the sudden warmth brought a little life in the little creature and it tried to look upto Daniel. Seeing it up close, it had what looked like wings and was clearly happy to see Daniel, it's big black eyes staring back at Daniel with gratitude. Then something happened, he felt the warmth from his body draining away into his palm. The baby lizard started shining, to Daniel it looked like he was holding a rainbow in his palm. The baby lizard looked at Daniel and then jumped to his other forearm where he had cut himself, started licking the wound and within seconds he could see the wound heal itself.

"No way..!!" exclaimed Daniel. "I know what you're, you're a dragon!! I've only heard stories from Elena, I thought all dragons went extinct after the war 2000 years ago. How did you end up on the shore little one? do you have a name?" Baby dragons couldn't communicate through speech, "How about Ehalanh? do you like it?" It gave a resounding yip.. !

Dragons were mythical creatures who were responsible for the war 2000 years ago, to end their wrath the Temple Grand mages fought for 77 days to defeat and destroy every last dragon in the world. At least that's what was recorded in the history books from 2000 years, and hence most people were wary of Dragons even though one had not been seen for centuries. Daniel however, didn't believe in those stories. He believed in the magnificent stories that Elena told him, of Dragons and how they protected our realm from the wrath of the Ka-as, and how they were kind and wise creatures that only sought peace in the world. "I don't think you're scary at all Ehalanh, besides you healed my wound. I bet Elena would love to see you well, lets go meet her"

Excitedly, Daniel started walking towards Elena's house with Ehalanh perched on his shoulder. He could feel the warmth radiating from the little dragon and he knew that this was something special. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the stories Elena had told him about dragons and their magical powers. He wondered if Ehalanh possessed any other abilities aside from healing.

When they arrived at Elena's house, Daniel burst through the door, "Elena, you won't believe what I found!" he exclaimed. Elena, a kind and wise old woman, was sitting at her desk pouring over some old manuscripts. She looked up and smiled at Daniel, "What have you got there, my boy?" she asked.

Daniel held out his arm, revealing Ehalanh perched on his shoulder. "It's a dragon, Elena! And it healed my wound!" he said, beaming with excitement.

Elena's eyes widened in amazement as she gazed at the little dragon. "By the gods, it's true. A dragon, alive and well," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. She beckoned Daniel closer and examined the dragon closely. "This is a very rare and special creature, my boy. You must take great care of it," she said, her voice serious.

Daniel nodded eagerly, "I will, Elena. I promise to take care of Ehalanh and keep it safe," he said.

Elena smiled, "Good. But you must also be careful. Dragons are powerful creatures and can draw the attention of dangerous individuals. You must keep Ehalanh hidden and never reveal its existence to anyone. Do you understand?"

Daniel nodded solemnly, "Yes, Elena. I understand."

From that day forward, Daniel and Ehalanh became inseparable. Daniel kept the little dragon hidden away in his home and would visit Elena often to learn more about dragons and their magical abilities. together, they discovered that ehalanh possessed many incredible powers, including the ability to control fire and manipulate the elements.

As Daniel and Ehalanh's bond grew stronger, they began to realize that they were destined for great things. they knew that the world was a dangerous place, filled with darkness and chaos, and that it was up to them to bring light and order to the realm. and so, with their newfound powers and unbreakable bond, they set out on a journey to change the world forever.

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