

a big brothers best friend
Michael Love: (smiling) Aubree, I'm glad you're excited to meet Nickel Jersey. He's been my friend for a while now, and I knew you'd love him too.

Nickel Jersey: (grinning) Hey there, Aubree! It's a pleasure to meet you. Michael talks about you all the time.

Aubree Love: (excitedly) Oh my gosh! You're Nickel Jersey! I can't believe you're here! (she quickly hugs Nickel)

Nickel Jersey: (laughs) It's great to meet such an enthusiastic fan! (he gently wraps his arms around Aubree) You know, Michael always tells me about how amazing and talented you are, Aubree.

Aubree Love: (blushing) Really? That's so sweet! I listen to your music all the time. It's so calming and beautiful. It always puts a smile on my face.

Michael Love: (proudly) See, Nickel? I told you she'd adore you. Aubree has excellent taste in music, just like us.

Nickel Jersey: (smiling) Thank you both so much. It means a lot to me that you enjoy my music. Aubree, you're an incredible sister, and I'm grateful to have both you and Michael in my life.

Aubree Love: (beaming) Thank you, Nickel. You're the best! Can we listen to your latest album later? I've been dying to hear it.

Michael Love: (grinning) Absolutely! We'll have a mini Nickel Jersey listening party right here. How does that sound?

Nickel Jersey: (enthusiastically) That sounds perfect! Aubree, get ready for some new tunes you won't be able to stop humming!

Aubree Love: (excitedly) Yay! I can't wait! This is going to be the best day ever. Thank you, Michael, for introducing us.

Michael Love: (patting Aubree's shoulder affectionately) It was my pleasure, sis. I knew it'd bring us all closer together. Now, let's make some unforgettable memories!