

Every human being lives on Earth for a definite period of time, but all of them believe they are never going to die. In Indian society, talking about death is considered taboo. Don't believe it? Just start a conversation with your family using the words, "When I die..." They will immediately stop you and say, "Don't talk about these things." People don't want to hear the reality that:

"Whatever you achieve, no matter how much, will always remain insignificant."

In this world, everyone tries to be immortal, so everyone has their own way of achieving it:

Some people have developed the concept of an afterlife, where there is heaven and hell, so that they can live even after death.
Scientists achieve immortality through their discoveries and inventions, like Albert Einstein through his theory of relativity and John Nash through his Nash Equilibrium.
Writers achieve immortality through their poems and stories, which are recited by people even centuries later.
And a normal person who hasn't achieved anything makes kids so that they can pass on their legacy, and they become immortal through them.
One day there will be a day when all the things you achieved throughout your life will become irrelevant. Everything around you starts to fall apart; you will experience severe pain in your body. At that time, the only thing you will beg to see is your loved ones around you, who made your life beautiful, who made you believe that life is a beautiful journey. You need them to be present in front of you at the time of your death because no one wants to die alone!!!
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