

Happy Contrast
My black school shoes drenched of rain water, I felt how satisfying it is. To feel my socks wet, as I stomp in each of my every step. Klak, Klop, Klak, Klop, there it goes. I hear it , so loudly. Satisfying to my ear and to my heart. And to my soul.

My classmate from other side of the street can almost notice me, alone, happily! I hope she doesnt tell her mom, that I punched her in the stomach, just because.

Her mom fetch her today from school. While Im alone. Mom is busy. And Im totally ok with that - me being alone - taking the long way home. Now I am writing it realizing, why an introverted coward semi-bully's day was spent alone. Guiltless. A guilt only to be felt decades after the very incident of hurting and senselessly degrading others.

I happily walk in an eight-inch flood from dirty city drainage, while Im bathing in huge, harsh rain drops, rain fall, one gloomy, cloudy afternoon after school. Fool. Foolishness is tied in my young heart.

I never wait for rain to stop before I head home. I know, I know mom will get angry. But I havent realize walking in the rain, and walking in flood will make me sick. And I havent realize how hard is it for mom to earn money before she can buy this beautiful black shiny shoes. I will learn my lesson, after scolding session. At home. Right now, it haven't crossed my mind at all.

Coz I , I wanna taste the joy of every drop of pouring rain after all! I cried few weeks after I was enrolled. I get lost inside the campus on the first day of school. And now, that I got to move on from that socially anxious moment, I almost forgot about it. Still I can write the story just the same.

Rainy days are my favorite!

See? you gotta see your classmates here in grade two wearing their vibrant yellow raincoat in a gloomy weather?! What a happy contrast!

Series: Grade School Rain
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