

Dear Facebook Friend,
Reflecting on the times when it felt like it was just the two of us, and chatting on Facebook seemed like our exclusive world. Those late-night calls, even though they were a bit sneaky because I hadn't come of age then, brought an exciting thrill😊. The risk was what made it exciting. I appreciate the words of assurance that we'd be together forever. You made my childhood memories interesting, highlighting how crazy a glimpse of love can be.

I miss those times when love was simpler, without any material or physical obstacles – just us loving each other and being there for one another. Though we've never met before but we were satisfied with the images of ourselves. Giggling at the sight of our messages, reading our chats back and forth, and feeling the same affections all the way – those were glorious moments, I must confess. It may sound strange, but I wish I could go back to those times to feel the same warmth of love. They say we were childish, but we called it love because we focused on living in the moments and cherishing them. We might not know each other's whereabouts now, but looking back, we have no regrets – or rather, I'd say I have no regrets. I don't know where you are now, but I do hope you see this.
Cheers to a better future without each other.

I pray that we all find the love we deserve.
© A.S.H🦋