

murder for what? part 5
I kept running but he was behind me. He ran out of ammo and then I stopped running. I shot him in his leg but I was aiming for his chest. I was glad that I hit him at least. “Haha you know what’s funny? Well it’s that you’re going to jail soon. I just hope that you suffer for this. Like I’m about to die I’ll tell you something. I am a drug dealer and so was Rem’s boyfriend. I got close to her mother just to sell some drugs here and Rem’s boyfriend got close to her because she was the most popular at school and we needed the kinds to also buy some drugs. We're going to be rich. Are plans were going perfectly but you disobeyed my one rule. Don’t go into the garden. This wouldn’t have happened if you listen to that rule. This is all your fault!” I started shooting him over and over until I was out of ammo. I couldn’t take it hearing that from him. I just couldn’t face the truth. I knew that already and yet hearing that out of his mouth made me what to kill myself. I put that gun I killed your step-father and your boyfriend in my mouth and I tried to kill myself but I didn’t have any bullets. I already knew but I still put that gun in my mouth. I wanted to suffer in that moment. Soon after that the police started to investigate the murders. I confessed what I did and I told them everything. For some reason I wasn’t sent to jail but I don’t know why. I knew it wasn’t because they thought I didn’t deserve to go to prison. I knew someone must have paid them to let me go free and keep their mouths shut but who would do something like that? I never got the answer to that question. I felt so guilty that I needed to be punished.

© Samantha_Ayala