

Tales of Destiny: Take On Me
"Needless to Say, I am Odds and Ends, but I will be Okay.
I may Stumble Away, Slowly Learning that Life is Okay.
It is no Better to be Safe, than Sorry."

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A #WRITCO Compilation




In every Life we Encounter those Things Unbelievable others call Miracles: A Blind Man Driving a Dying Child to a Hospital, A Deaf Woman Speaking to a Rousing Crowd, A Paraplegic Running a Marathon. We don't always Understand, but accept what we see with our Eyes. You and I, let us take a Moment to Experience some of these Fantastical Memories. Face to Face, Place to Place, let us Open a Book in the Grand Library of Human History.


What an Emotional Story we have for you Tonight. As her Muscles become Bone, Marrow to Calcium, a Young Girl Falls in Love with a Character from One of her Favorite Stories.

But both are about to Discover Heartbreaking Despair, each Revealing to the other, how this Dream could Never be.

... or can it??


I do not really know what to say Today. So much going on with the Pains in my Bones. But I am Happy to have my Books 📚 I have been Collecting for Years. The only Time I can Escape the Agony is when I get really Engrossed in one of them and Become a Character in them Myself.

My Favorite Book of All Time is


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WOW! It is SO Amazing!

There is this Enchanted Island Suspended in the Air above the Planet Croatia with Indigenous People called Karma. An Epic Odyssey is taken to and fro, World to World.

I mean, the Real World, and the World of the Imaginary.

When I first started to Read it, I was already Hooked.

These were the very First Words:

'Welcome to Evermore. Make a Wish. And by the Time you have Finished, that Wish WILL come True.'

I Smiled as I Rubbed on the Crested Cover, for Good Luck. My Arms and Hands were really Burning from Holding the Book, but I just could not put it Down.

It was SO good! But too, I instantly made a Wish, and I wanted to See if it would come True.

At First I was Speed Reading 😂 I mean why Extend it right?

But it was Pretty Good actually, and I went back near the Beginning and Reread it.

'This is the Journey of a Young Prince Name Julius. He has Long, Dark Flowing Hair, Riding on a Multicorn Named Ixion with Six Legs. His Castle was on a Floating Island Nicknamed Evermore, for Wisps of Wind and Fire kept the City Afloat, evermore.'

WOW right!? What a HUNK?

I am Thirteen and I have never even had a Boyfriend.


Or Girlfriend for that Matter. So Reading Evermore, I Befriended EVERY Character I came across, Even the Villain Prince Valiant.

He too was Good-looking, but in Mysterious Menacing Way you Know.

It Reads:

'Out of the Mysty Woods, a Dark-Skin Rider of Dragon 🐉 and Bat 🦇 Plumes at will up and around Evermore. But, his Dark Countenance and Demeanor can Never Penetrate its Shield made of Light.'


I was Scared, but Viliant Called to me First. I was Entranced. He Called me Consequence. I was not Particularly Happy with the Choice, but it is EVERMORE; everything has to do with Choices and Consequences.

'The People of the Myst are Smarmy and Snarky, for the Floating City disperses Flame and Dredge Daily upon their Heads; thus are they Darkened. And the Myst People Travel not, World to World, for that Technology is Hidden from their Eyes. They See not.'

At First, I tried to Help him. But Valiant became more and more Aggressive.


He EVEN Claimed he could Fly over into 'my' World!

That was Silly 😜.

Eventually though, I could not Resist the Loving Charms of Julius.

He was the Sweetest Boy I ever Seen.
Eighteen, just coming into Power, and a Frequent Traveler.

We even Transported back and forth Together.

As the Days went by, and I got closer to Julius, Valiant became Darker and less Luminous until One Day, he Completely Vanished.

I could Still feel his Presence, but even in the Story, he Completely Disappeared.

Seriously, I mean going back to Reread, his Character was not even Mentioned in the Story, at All.


I could not Understand Why, where he Went, Where he Was.

But I was a Little Upended.

I told Julius about it, and he Explained to me that Valiant had Mystical Powers only the Myst People knew, even Beyond Evermore.

I Shivered.

It Suddenly got SO COLD in my little Book Hovel.

A Frosty 🥶 Resin Built on my Books 📚, including EVERMORE.

That is when I saw a Shadowy Wisp building in a Dark Corner of my Room and I Freaked!


I Closed the Book and Wheeled as Fast as I could into Room after Room. When I came to the Edge of the Stairs and Looked back at the Figure, I knew I was Trapped.

"Con-se-quence ..."

It Whispered to me.

I wheeled back slightly ... and took a Tumble down the Hard Wood Stairs.

My Bones were already the Better Part of my Body.

I could not Catch Myself.

But I Landed Right onto EVERMORE.

Somehow, the Book was already Opened; and as I Looked at my Broken Wheelchair with a Spoke Jabbing out my Side, my Vision began to Change.

First, Color Drained from my Eyes.

Then my Vision Completely Left me and I Heard a Tremendous Screech and Howl.

And an Intense Burning Sensation.

Suddenly, the most Brilliant Light you can Ever Imagine.

And as my Vision continued to Return, I found that for the First Time in my Life, I could Stand on my Own.

He was there, too, waiting for Me.

With Opened Arms.


Why is it, you Suppose Handicapped People Experience such Amazing Events in their lives? Consequence indeed had an Extraordinary Ordeal; but in the End, was it even Real?

Who were these Characters Julius and Valiant that they could become so ingrained in her Mind and Heart to become Living Beings?

Did Valiant actually Step outside the Realm of the Fantasy, or was this ALL just the Whim of a Little Girl Struggling to Survive in a Cruel World with a Disability that Left her Isolated, and Abandoned?

Did she Survive the Fall Down the Stairs, and Pass on into the Story?

Or, had the City Itself reached out to her, and Pull her into EVERMORE?

Perhaps, it was Julius Himself.

By the Way, Julius, too, gave her a Name:


This has been a very fun Journey Tonight with many more questions than Answers. But, in the End, it Finds a Sad Girl being Happy in what she always Wished to be.


Until Next Time:

We will Reach into the Farthest Reaches of YOUR Imagination and Find a 'Tale' Similar to that within the Halls of Human History.

Give us a Request for the Next Story, and we will Pick One to be in the Next:


Bye For Now 👋


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© I Am MichAel