

The Book of You & I
Well, it all began when she stumbled upon my stars.
It was no fall, I walked into love, I went pretty far.
Well, the months went by, she softly held my heart.
But soon her love ran dry, and we fell apart.
It wasn't all suddenly,
An unforgettable journey.
I had felt her growing distant.
I realized her love was shifting,
It was everything I was afraid to face,
She was as cold as death when I said,
"Don't tell me that it's over, the book of you and I
Please don't squiggle out our names, don't erase my favorite lines.
There were many chapters that we couldn't get to write...
Like 'Me cooking you dinner' and 'Watching movies, up all night.'
Recalling where we started, and how many fights it took.
Here now I'm missing bits and pieces, from the pages you tore off the book.
Why don't you give a reason, I'll forever wonder why,
We never got to finish the book of you and I!"

Today, again.
I took that book off the shelf,
And held my pen,

I kept turning pages,
Till my eyes got tearladen,
There goes my hand shaking.

Then I wrote about how I wish she'd stayed,
I jotted down the things that I never got to say,
Maybe when it's done, I might feel okay.
I guess I lost because of distance,
Maybe she met someone at her end.
I wish things stayed the same.
What a nightmare, that it's over, the book of you and I
I wish my name could sit beside yours, and below your favorite rhymes.
There were so many poems that I didn't get to write,
Now just ashes of my musings and I barely sleep at night.
I hate I even met you, nothing that I love, ever lasts.
I knew how night changes, but didn't know, this fast!
You never gave a reason, I still wonder why,
I never got to finish the book of you and I...

© Karthik Chyawan