

The Frog that can't stop farting
once upon on a time there was a frog called Francis, Francis had a bad problem with his stomach. Each and every day it was the same for poor Francis he would get a terrible stomach pain that wouldn't go away he went to see his doctor about his troubles the doctor examined his stomach and pressed into it and from that day forward he couldn't stop farting. Francis would be on the bus to go shopping and it would start the poor frogs on that bus got gassed out some of them would even fall to the floor and go unconscious because Francis farts smellt so terrible like toxic waste. The farting didn't stop there when Francis got off the bus and went into a shop he did silent but deadly farts that you could smell for miles. One day Francis was feeling very fed up about the fact he can't stop farting So he started looking it up on the internet for cures and it said to get rid of your farting get somebody to put a vacuum cleaner near your bottom. So that's what Francis did but he couldn't get anyone to come near him because they didn't want to get gassed out so Francis turn on the vacuum cleaner and put it near his bottom and it sucked up all of Francis farts and he hardly farted again.

The End

© Willow F.T