

Porthole of Time.
As i step back in time, to those many decades before. Watching myself on the screen, with other family and with friends and neighbours, all enjoying each moment as it comes. I see my memories of yesterday, talking to me via picture, one by one. This woman’s life story has been captured through the years, through happy times of childhood and through those teenage years, slowing moving into adulthood. Such feelings of nostalgia play on, scene by scene through my tv screen. As i recall those wonderful times, those memories of happiness play on continually in my heart. Now, at the age of half a century i am making more memories for myself and my son. As he now approach’s his twenties, he to,has had a childhood full of love, nurture, care , joy and fun.
With thanks to my dad i am able to re- enter those past times whenever i want too. As he made sure, that our lives would be remembered in some special way, through his picture memories of yesterday.
As i laugh and cry i recall each name. As i talk to the scenes of my yesterdays. As each face is seen and each feeling felt, i seal the box of memories well.
All captured on a reel of film, thanks to a man, my dad, named Tom.
Year by year and each event at a time, all memories stay strong and these movies play on. My mum and dad, built a family life with love and joy, for us all. Installing… values, manners, humanity, kindness, care and love. It was a happy song for so long.
So in this present day, i reignite.
I reignite all my past picture memories, of my mind. As i step back, back in time to those who were apart of my years of life and helped me to grow. So i, ignite again through moments shared, from caring hearts, of family, relationships, friends, holidays, school days, hobbies, activities, family- events, pets and neighbours too. All life events added to me through those years. As they have helped me to grow into the present me, the woman who is there in the mirror. Yet, today she can transport herself back and forth, through a porthole of time. Although some faces now fade and some are no more, those times remain, still so safe in my heart, forever more.
All of my past picture memories, now live on dvds. Those times i love to sit and watch as they represent my reflections of, those numerous decades of life that came before.
It’s as though i’m stepping back into, a porthole. A porthole of time. In this porthole of time, i become again…
a child, a junior, a teenager and a young adult. So now, all those moments become the scenes of yesterday. All those emotions and those feelings and all those thoughts, now walk on a past road. A past road, through time, now gone but not, forgotten. As i replay those scenes through the porthole of time.


© Josephine Daniels.