

Game Over 🎮🕹
You can't play with me like that ever again!! It might have worked back then but this is now.
Not then!!
I did my homework and I have taken all of the notes that I need. If it wasn't for my training and my wonderful observation skills with your help; I still would not have the knowledge to pick apart what a real response is and one that is fake. I know when you say something and actually mean what you're saying or if you are lying and don't really mean it but are only saying it because you know that it bothers me and because you love to see me irritated. You do not have to say the opposite of what I say or do the opposite of what I do; just because my kinfolks and their father Lucifer told you to. I understand that it is an important necessity of the game to go against all of my likes, my dislikes, my opinions, and my actions but sometimes it is okay to break the policy rule even though it is a required duty that must be fulfilled in order to remain a member in the secret occult group that you are involved in. Calm down and take a deep breath!! It won't kill you to agree with me or to admit for once that you like what I like and admit that you do not like some of things that I dislike or share the same opinions that I have. There are plenty of ways to amuse yourself other than always tampering with my emotions and getting some sort of freakishly odd thrill off of my anger and my annoyance. #gameover #loser #game #games #gamer #occult #occultgroup #occultclan #occultism #occultist
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