

The Storm
She ran down the stairs towards the front door, as she saw the delivery van pull up outside the door,
"Yay, finally" She said excitedly to herself, her gaming station was finally here, at ten o'clock in the evening. Clearly she had been the last one on the busy schedule of deliveries, much to her annoyance.
Getting to the door, she heard the wind howling, as it crashed against the door sighing she opened the door, it was absolutely pouring down, she looked at the van across the road from her she took the plunge, running over to the van. The wind was heavy blowing her hair around rapidly. The rain splatting against her harshly.
"You must really want this package" the driver noted, "Not many people would come out in this weather for theirs" he added
"I'm excited" She told him, he smiled
"So I see"

Walking back to the house she frowned
"No" she muttered, as she noticed the door had shut itself, she put her parcel down in front of the door and rummaged through her dressing gown pockets looking for the keys,
"Oh, no... Don't say that" she grumbled realising there was no keys in her pockets she looked at her home wondering how she was going to get back in, no-one was in to get back inside. She walked around the side of the house to see if a window was open anywhere, getting even more soaked as she did so.
Starting to feel cold, she peered through the kitchen window and was able to see the keys sitting happily in the centre of the kitchen table. Stepping back away from the window she looked down at her slippers that were absolutely soaking wet, as we're her entire pajamas and dressing gown as the wind was still threatening to knock her over.
"For goodness sake" she said angrily. All the windows round the house were closed, there was no hope of climbing back in through one of them. She tutted to herself in frustration she walked back around to the front door, looking for something to put through the letter box that could hook around the catch of the top lock.

She walked back around the house looking up at the garden fence, wondering if she would be able to climb over, judging the rain and the wind, she tried it anyway, slipping down twice before she managed to pull herself over.

First she tried the kitchen window it was locked up tightly, she then tried the door that was locked too.
"ARGH" she growled angrily, when her eyes fell onto the dog flap, questioning herself on whether she would fit through there or not.
"It's worth a try" she told herself. bending down she crawled through the dog flap getting a little stuck at one point, but managed to squeeze her way through it.
"Yes!" she said happily. With that she ran to the front door and found her parcel still sitting there waiting for her, she picked it up and brought it in and carried it up to her room which was where she set it all up.
She learned that sometimes if you just wait a little bit longer patiently somethings just wouldn't happen, like being locked out of your home.

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