

Part - 1 : fight of subjects
In a chaotic classroom, subjects were locked in a heated debate, each claiming to be the best.

Physics, with an air of superiority, declared, "Only the truly brilliant can conquer me. I'm obviously the best!"

Chemistry retorted, "Oh please, Physics! You're just a headache to most. Look at me—I'm the symbol of love! Surely that makes me the best.

"Biology chimed in, "Ha! You two are nothing but a mess of equations and reactions. I'm clearly the best because I'm the easiest!"

But just as tensions peaked, in walked Math, strutting with unwarranted confidence."I'm the ultimate champ! Watch as I prove it!" Math exclaimed, grabbing a chalk and heading to the board, ready to dazzle.

Meanwhile, Physics and Chemistry resumed their bickering.Physics boasted, "I've got all the cool stuff—cosines, sines, tangents, logs..."

Chemistry interrupted, "Hey, I've got logs too!"

Biology interjected, "Hey, I use logs too, but unlike you two, I keep it simple."

Physics, feeling the pressure, claimed, "I'm the favorite among teachers."

Chemistry countered, "But who reads us? The students! We're the real judges."

Biology, eager to prove its popularity, dashed off to fetch Aboorva, the student favorite.

As Aboorva entered the room, all subjects vied for her attention, claiming superiority.After a moment of silence, Aboorva spoke up, her words cutting through the tension."Listen up, subjects! No matter how tough or easy you think you are, we students cram all of you in one night before exams and still manage to pass. So, guess who's really the best? Us! And if any of you dare claim otherwise, I'll rip you to shreds and toss you in my bag, which hasn't seen daylight in eons."

The subjects, now subdued, dared not challenge Aboorva's authority, realizing their fate if they ended up in her smelly, neglected bag...

End of part 1 💐🙏

© Aboorva