

nostalgic verse

In the golden light of youth's sweet summit,
There lies a memory I'll never forget.
Of carefree days and laughter ringing free,
A treasure from childhood still dear to me.

Beneath the sprawling oak's welcoming shade,
We'd gather, a merry band unafraid.
In a world painted by our boundless glee,
Every moment was pure harmony.

With bare feet dancing on cool summer grass,
We'd weave tales of knights on a daring pass.
Imagination's canvas, vivid and bold,
Turned ordinary games to tales untold.

The echo of our laughter fills the air,
As innocence and joy lingered there.
Like fireflies dancing in twilight's gleam,
We chased dreams as in a blissful dream.

Remembering those days, I can't help but smile,
For each memory is a precious wile.
A treasure trove of joy that'll never fade,
In the depths of my heart, it's firmly laid.

So here's to the cherished moments we shared,
In a world where innocence always dared.
Though time may pass and we may roam far,
In my heart, these memories are my guiding star.
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