

Hey Diary,
Dear Diary,

I don't know where to begin. Lately, it feels like I'm drowning in memories and pain from the past. The hurt and damage that I thought I had overcome are creeping back into my life, breaking me down piece by piece.

There are days when I wake up and feel like I'm carrying the weight of a thousand burdens on my shoulders. It's like the past is haunting me, replaying scenes I wish I could forget. The scars that I thought had healed have reopened, and I find myself struggling to keep it together.

I thought I had moved past all the hurt, all the betrayals, all the disappointments. But now, it's like a storm inside me that won't calm down. I see shadows of my past self in the mirror – someone who was stronger, more hopeful, more resilient. Now, I feel like a mere echo of that person.

The hardest part is not being able to escape these feelings. They follow me everywhere – in my dreams, in my quiet moments, in the midst of laughter with friends. I try to push them away, but they always find a way back in.

I wish I could say that I'm okay, that I'm managing, but the truth is, I'm struggling. The hurt from the past feels like a relentless wave crashing over me, and I'm struggling to stay afloat.

I know healing is not linear, but I didn't expect to be back in this place of despair. It's like trying to rebuild a house after a storm has swept through, only to have another storm appear right on its heels.

I'm writing this to you because I need an outlet, a safe space to pour out these feelings that I can't seem to voice to anyone else. Maybe one day, I'll look back on this letter and see how far I've come. But for now, I'll hold onto hope that this storm will eventually pass, and I'll find peace again.

Thank you for listening, dear diary. I'll try to gather the strength to face another day tomorrow.

Yours sincerely,
© sosawrites