

"This Man Out There They Call Lukky"
Can you believe this sh*t
Lemme tell you how it began
The day I walked up in that game room
And laid eyes upon this man
This man out here they called Lukky
Known to always keep it "one hundred"
Most solid nigga I ever met
And in the streets that's sayin' somethin'
Now Lukky never came at anyone twisted
He the kind to always keep sh*t real
But when it comes to personal emotions
He always kept that part of him concealed
The games in relationships
That most dumb b*tches tried to play
He'd let 'em think they were getting close to him but
He saw thru their sh*t so he sent them on their way
He knew they were never about Lukky
It was only about what from him THEY could get
The only thing they cared about
Was how to use him and manipulate
When I met Lukky I enjoyed just being around him
And having the intelligent conversations that we had
He also seemed to be into me just as much
And he cheered me up when I was sad
I've never been with a "real" kind of nigga before
The kind of nigga that's been ride or die for me
Everything about this man they called Lukky
Had gotten me so love and so intrigued
I've made it my mission to show Lukky that
I'M that girl he's always dreamed of
That this relationship is meant to be
And we were brought together by God above
God said "I will never leave thee, not forsake thee" but
Just when I thought God forgot all about me
That was when God changed my life
That was when God brought me Lukky
God said "This man will love you & protect you from harm
This man will always stay true
This is the man I've put in your life
This is the man for you.
You'll marry him one day if you always love him
Cherish him and treat him right
Never forget the love that brought you together
And always keep both of your goals in sight"
God said "You and Lukky gonna come up
Haters will see how Lukky stood by you
They'll feel stupid when they see what they could have had
And they'll see what a REAL MAN "supposed" to do
The day I walked up in that game room
Is when it all started and began
I'll never forget that day
When I first laid eyes upon that man
The man out here they called Lukky
Who was always known to keep it "one hundred"
Most solid nigga I have ever met in my life
And in these streets that's sayin' somethin'

© De Ona Charamut