

Why does this child weep,
alone in the night?

As a refugee,
robbed of home and light?

Are tears shed for parents,
lost in the fright?

morun of his dead brother
with no rice to see?

exploitation of his sister
enslaved as sex worker?

Or for the war's alarming sounds,
Unable to sleep on battlegrounds?

Or for being forcibly recruited,
Torn from the charms of childhood?

Or does he fear the enemy's grasp
The risk of arrest and torture's fire?

© Aboorva

🙏 1 in 6 of the World's Children Live in a Conflict Zone
🙏 2022, 468 million children worldwide lived in areas affected by armed conflict

🙏 Let this resound in the ears of those with the power to change
Will you remain silent if
your own flesh and blood,
your child or grandchild,
endures such?